[dropcap4 variation=”green” textColor=”#000000″]T[/dropcap4]his Holiday Season, protect yourself, your family and your property against criminals wishing to do you harm. Criminals have a “desire” to commit crimes against those who are not aware of what is going on around them. The holidays are an opportune time for a criminal to commit these offenses. Know your surroundings and don’t become a “target.” It’s up to YOU to make sure that a criminal does not have the “opportunity” to take advantage of you and your family.
[toggle_framed title=”While Shopping:”]
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  • Stay alert to your surroundings and the people around you.
  • Shop with a friend; there is safety in numbers.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
  • Pay for purchases with a check, credit, or debit card.
  • If possible, carry only your driver’s license, personal checks, or necessary credit or debit cards.
  • If you must carry a purse, do not wrap the straps around your arms or shoulders. You could risk injury from a would-be purse snatcher. Carry a clutch purse tightly under your arm or wear a fanny pack.
  • Do not carry wallets in a back pocket. It should be placed in a front pocket for safety.
  • Be alert, criminals look for the “high dollar store” shopping bags with your purchases. When possible, slip bags/purchases in a plain nondescript bag.
  • Watch purchases while eating in mall food courts; bags as well as purses can easily be switched or taken.
  • Educate your children about what to do if they are lost as well as what to do if a “stranger” should try and take them.
  • Don’t overburden yourself with too many packages. This jeopardizes your safety while walking to your vehicle. Either make multiple trips to your vehicle or have your packages sent to package pick-up where you may retrieve them in a well-lit and heavily populated area.
  • Have your car keys ready in hand before leaving the store. They also make a great weapon, should you need to defend yourself.
  • If you do return to your vehicle to unload packages and continue shopping, place your purchases in the trunk. Be observant of anyone watching, and if possible, move the vehicle to another parking space to deter a burglary of your vehicle.
  • Try not to shop until the store closes. Remember, fewer people are present at this time.

[toggle_framed title=”In Parking Lots:”]
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  • Shop early and leave early to avoid evening darkness.
  • Park in a high visibility area and check for lighting in case you leave during the hours of darkness.
  • DO NOT park next to a vehicle with dark tinted windows. Waiting assailants can be obscured from view upon your return.
  • Before shopping, lock all your valuables in the trunk prior to parking in the parking lot.
  • Leave the store with a group of people, not alone.
  • Ask the Security Officer to escort you to your vehicle if you are uncomfortable.
  • Walk briskly, confidently, and directly through the parking lot. Be cautious of people handing out fliers or asking questions in the parking area.
  • Be alert, criminals look for the “high dollar store” shopping bags with your purchases. When possible, slip bags/purchases in a plain nondescript bag.
  • Watch for people who may be following you. This can occur inside as well as outside the store. If you suspect that you are being followed, report it to the store or mall Security. Report it immediately.

[toggle_framed title=”At Home:”]
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  • Keep the outside of your home well-lit with doors locked and window curtains closed.
  • Don’t display gifts beneath the Christmas tree that can be seen from windows or doors.
  • After the holidays, don’t advertise gifts received by the boxes left for trash collection. Destroy boxes and place in a sealed, non-clear bag.

[toggle_framed title=”If You Are Traveling:”]
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  • Get an automatic timer for your lights.
  • Ask a neighbor to watch your home, collect mail, park in the driveway, etc.
  • Try to remember to have the mail and newspaper deliveries stopped. If it piles up, it’s a sure sign you’re gone. Because emergencies may occur, this is not always possible. Rely on friends and neighbors to help.


[toggle_framed title=”While Driving:”]
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  • Always ensure that your vehicle is properly maintained.  If your vehicle maintenance is not up to date, have your vehicle and tires inspected before you start your trip.
  • Go online and map your route in advance.  Be prepared for busy roadways during the holiday season.  If possible, consider leaving earlier, or later to avoid heavy traffic.
  • Keep all valuables, gifts, and packages in the trunk or covered storage areas of your vehicle, to avoid the temptation for a vehicle break-in.
  • If you’re traveling with children, remind them not to talk to strangers.  Go with them on bathroom breaks, and give them radios or cellphones in case you accidentally get separated.
  • Have roadside assistance contact information on hand in case an accident, flat tire, or mechanical failure occurs while traveling.
  • Never text and/or drink and drive.  If you happen to consume an alcoholic beverage at a holiday party, wait until you are completely sober, or call a taxi, or other designated driver to take you to your chosen destination.

Trust but Verify – let’s use our common sense and awareness to keep our family and loved ones safe and secure.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All

ExecProtect Worldwide, Inc.

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